By visiting our webpage you accept the conditions as stated on this page.

Please do not open our web pages if you do not accept these conditions.


The contents of this webpage are protected under copyright laws. It is forbidden to transfer, circulate, and reproduce the contents, either in whole or in part, to make them available for the public, or to store or print them in a quantity that exceeds your own personal use, without the prior written consent of the owner. Furthermore, it is forbidden to use any of the downloadable photos (especially those of the original artworks) for marketing or any other purposes.


All particulars, data, conditions, definitions and descriptions appearing on the webpage are for information purposes only and the owner assumes no liability for their accuracy or completeness. These should not be considered as an offer.


The owner of the webpage may not be held liable for any loss or damage that

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results from the use of the webpage or the lack of their availability for use,
is caused by the inadequate functioning of the webpage, by any deficiency, fault, or breakdown, by any delay in the forwarding of information, or by any virus or line fault experienced in the course of their use.

Material supplied by third parties

The owner accepts no responsibility whatsoever for material of information connected to our webpage that is produced or supplied by a third party.

Protection of personal data

In the act of your supplying the owner with any of your personal data either by using the online forms or by sending it to the given e-mail addresses, you consent to the owner’s storing and handling of that information for the following five years.

By providing us with your details either by using the online forms or by sending it to the given e-mail addresses you give your consent for the owner of this website to record and manage this data until such time as you expressly instruct to delete it from the records.

The owner declares that the personal data you provide through the internet will be used for the purpose of keeping contact.

In the case of sending us special data the owner will delete it as soon as its confidentiality is recognised.

By visiting our webpage your IP address and some other data depending on your searching software is stored in our server for 12 months for the purpose of making webpage attendance statistics as well as identifying hostile attacks on our system.

The owner of this webpage declares that the personal data you provide through the internet will be accorded the same protection as data supplied by other means.

The owner of this webpage warrants that your data will be handled in full compliance with Act LXIII of 1992 on the Protection of Personal Data and the Recording of Data of Public Interest

Of the various data given by you, the owner shall treat all data items, facts, pieces of information and solutions concerning your person, your financial situation, your business and management activities, and your ownership and business relations as secrecy.