Artist Barabás Miklós Creation year 1853 Technique oil canvas Size 73,5 × 57,5 cm Sign signed middle right, Barabás 853 Genre painting ID 000013 Exhibitions Masterworks - selection from the Gábor Kovács Collection (Orosháza) Municipal Gallery Orosháza The Gábor Kovács Collection – Selection from the Masterpieces of Hungarian Painting (Szeged) REÖK Szeged Biedermeier Extended - Waldmüller und die Malerei seiner Zeit Österreichischen Galerie Belvedere Vienna Austria 19th Century Hungarian Paintings from the Kovács Gábor Collection Gallery-Museum, The Lendava castle Lendava Slovenia IHLET AND IDEAL – INSPIRING BEAUTY Rómer Flóris Art and Historical Museum - Esterházy Palace Győr Masterworks – A New Selection From the Gábor Kovács Collection KOGART House Budapest Markó, Mednyánszky, Munkácsy... Halász Chateau Kápolnásnyék My favorites KOGART House Budapest Bright skies, stormy times State Art and Sculpture Museum Ankara Turkey Published A Kovács Gábor-Gyűjtemény / The Gábor Kovács Collection. Ed.: Fertőszögi, Péter – Kratochwill, Mimi. Vince Kiadó, Budapest, 2004. pp. 59.
The Gábor Kovács Collection – Selection from the Masterpieces of Hungarian Painting (Szeged) REÖK Szeged
Biedermeier Extended - Waldmüller und die Malerei seiner Zeit Österreichischen Galerie Belvedere Vienna Austria
19th Century Hungarian Paintings from the Kovács Gábor Collection Gallery-Museum, The Lendava castle Lendava Slovenia