Artist Mattis Teutsch János Creation year 1910–15 Technique oil cardboard Size 34 × 49.5 cm Sign signed bottom right, MT Genre painting ID 000163 Exhibitions Mattis Teutsch and Der Blaue Reiter Hungarian National Gallery Budapest Mattis Teutsch and Der Blaue Reiter (Vienna) Collegium Hungaricum, Vienna Vienna Austria Mattis Teutsch and Der Blaue Reiter (Berlin) Embassy of Hungary, Berlin Berlin Germany Mattis Teutsch and Der Blaue Reiter (Stuttgart) Hungarian Cultural and Information Centre Stuttgart Stuttgart Germany Soulflowers. János Mattis Teutsch Mall Galleries London England Masterworks – Selection from the Gábor Kovács Collection (Kecskemét) Erdei Ferenc (Kecskeméti) Kulturális és Konferencia Központ Kecskemét The Gábor Kovács Collection – Selection from the Masterpieces of Hungarian Painting (Szeged) REÖK Szeged Masterpieces of Hungarian Art from the Gábor Kovács Collection (Miskolc) Miskolci Galéria Városi Művészeti Múzeum Miskolc From Csontváry to Kondor – Modernist paintings in the Gábor Kovács Art Collection Municipal Art Museum Győr Modernist endeavors of Hungarian painting in the first half of the 20th century – In the Gábor Kovács Art Collection National Museum of Bulgarian Fine Arts (National Art Gallery of Bulgaria) Sofia Bulgaria Masterworks – A New Selection From the Gábor Kovács Collection KOGART House Budapest Masterworks – Selection from the Gábor Kovács Collection (Veszprém) Csikász Galéria Veszprém Masterworks - selection from the Gábor Kovács Collection (Orosháza) Municipal Gallery Orosháza On the Stage of Nature - Modern endeavours in Hungarian painting at the turn of the century Hatvany Lajos Közérdekű Muzeális Gyűjtemény Hatvan The Kovács Gábor Art Collection from Munkácsy to Tóth Menyhért Tornyai János Museum and Community Center Hódmezővásárhely Bright skies, stormy times State Art and Sculpture Museum Ankara Turkey
Mattis Teutsch and Der Blaue Reiter (Stuttgart) Hungarian Cultural and Information Centre Stuttgart Stuttgart Germany
Masterworks – Selection from the Gábor Kovács Collection (Kecskemét) Erdei Ferenc (Kecskeméti) Kulturális és Konferencia Központ Kecskemét
The Gábor Kovács Collection – Selection from the Masterpieces of Hungarian Painting (Szeged) REÖK Szeged
Masterpieces of Hungarian Art from the Gábor Kovács Collection (Miskolc) Miskolci Galéria Városi Művészeti Múzeum Miskolc
From Csontváry to Kondor – Modernist paintings in the Gábor Kovács Art Collection Municipal Art Museum Győr
Modernist endeavors of Hungarian painting in the first half of the 20th century – In the Gábor Kovács Art Collection National Museum of Bulgarian Fine Arts (National Art Gallery of Bulgaria) Sofia Bulgaria
On the Stage of Nature - Modern endeavours in Hungarian painting at the turn of the century Hatvany Lajos Közérdekű Muzeális Gyűjtemény Hatvan
The Kovács Gábor Art Collection from Munkácsy to Tóth Menyhért Tornyai János Museum and Community Center Hódmezővásárhely