
This is the first time a major selection has been presented from the collection of the Kovács Gábor Art Foundation, which includes nearly 2500 items. The exhibition entitled Reloaded highlights important trends, key figures and experimental directions in Hungarian art in the second half of the 20th century.

The exhibits, works in the most diverse genres by about 80 artists, offer a good illustration of the dynamic and versatile directions in which the Foundation develops the collection, whose main focus is a comprehensive representation of contemporary Hungarian art.

Exhibiting artists:

Altorjai, Sándor | Anna, Margit | Attalai, Gábor | Babinszky, Csilla | Bálint, Endre | Batykó, Róbert | Bencsik, István | Bohus, Zoltán | Bondor, Csilla | Bukta, Imre | Czene, Márta | Cseh, Lili | Csiky, Tibor | Csiszér, Zsuzsi | ef Zámbó, István | El Kazovszkij | Fehér, László | feLugossy, László | Filep, Sándor | Gaál, Endre | Gaál, József | Gáspár, György | Gyarmathy, Tihamér | Halmy, Miklós | Harasztÿ, István | Heritesz, Gábor | Illés, Barna | Jovánovics, György | Jovián, György | Kelemen, Zénó | Kelényi, Béla | Kiss, Endre | Kocsis, Imre | Kondor, Béla | Konok, Tamás | Koroknai, Zsolt | Kósa, János | Kovács, Péter | Kungl, György | Lois, Viktor | Lossonczy, Tamás | Lugossy, Mária | Mata, Attila | Megyik, János | Méhes, Lóránt | Nádler, István | Németh, Marcell | Pauer, Gyula | Polgár, Botond | Rabóczky, Judit | Regős, István | Seres, László | Szabó, Ábel | Szikora, Tamás | Szűcs, Attila | Szvet, Tamás | Takács, Szilvia | Tolvaly, Ernő | Vajda, Júlia | Vajda, Lajos | Várady, Róbert | Vigh, Tamás | Wahorn, András

Free guided tours from 31 October organized by the KOGART Volunteer Program every Wednesday at 3pm and every  Sunday at 11 am (in Hungarian).