This volume presents the gems of the Gábor Kovács Collection, which in itself is an almost complete account of the development that began with the Romantic and Realistic landscape representations of the 19th century, continued with the plein air painting of the Nagybánya school, and ended with the “isms” of the first decades of the 20 century. Included here are such important works of Hungarian painting as Ádám Mányoki’s portrait of Ferenc Rákóczi, Károly Markó’s Women on the River Bank, Pál Szinyei Merse’s Brook Side, Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka’s Mysterious Island, and József Egry’s Badacsony.
Pictures selected and data collected by: Péter Fertőszögi; Mimi Kratochwill
Authors: Gábor Kovács; Péter Fertőszögi; Péter Müller
Published by: Vince Kiadó
Year of publication: 2004
Language: Hungarian-English
Hardcover, colour, pp. 264