
With almost seventy works selected from two Hungarian private collections lesser known to the general public, the exhibition titled 'Abstract Reality - Avant-garde endeavours in 20th-century European graphic art' outlines major tendencies in European graphic art, particularly the various trends and directions of formal abstraction. There are such names in the list of the exhibited artists as Georges BRAQUE, Marc CHAGALL, Sonia DELAUNAY, Natalia GONCHAROVA, Max ERNST, Joan MIRÓ, Pablo PICASSO, Dorothea TANNING or the Hungarian-born Etienne BEÖTHY, HANTAI Simon, REIGL Judit, and Victor VASARELY.

Both the Imre Patkó and the Pán-Mezei Collection hold exciting discoveries in store. The lives of the collectors, who belonged to almost the same generation, their characteristically 20th-century approach to collection, as well as their friendship with the leading international artists of their time, link a host of personal stories to each item in their collections. This exhibit offers a taste of these stories, presenting European avant-garde artists associated with non-figurative, expressive or geometric abstraction.

The electronic catalogue of the exhibition is available in Hungarian on the website of KOGART Tihany (www.kogarttihany.hu/absztrakt-valosag-katalogus), along with essential and interesting information on the artists and the collectors, as well as excerpts from their writings.