Ferenczy Museum, Szentendrei Képtár

Opening on 25 June, “The Harmony of Geometry – Geometric and constructivist works in the KOGART Collection” is an impressive selection from the collection of KOGART, presented in three halls of the Barcsay Collection at the Ferenczy Museum in Szentendre. The occasion for this guest exhibit came with the retrospective display of Jenő Barcsay’s works in Hódmezővásárhely, where several of the works held at the Barcsay Collection of Szentendre are on view.

This selection from KOGART’s contemporary collection, which includes almost 2500 works, focuses on geometric and constructivist tendencies in Hungarian art in the second half of the 20th century. The display is also our tribute to the “constructive” endeavours in the late painting of Barcsay, as several of the artists whose works are presented were close friends or students of the master. Szentendre has always attracted artists working in an abstract idiom, and we made a point of including artist in the selection who are associated with the town (Imre Kocsis, József Bartl, Pál Deim, László Hajdú).  


The artists whose works are on view: Gábor Attalai, Imre Bak, László Bartha, József Bartl, Tibor Csiky, Pál Deim, János Fajó, Ádám Farkas, Endre Gaál, Pál Gerzson, István Haász, László Hajdú, Tamás Hencze, Gábor Heritesz, György Jovánovics, Zénó Kelemen, Imre Kocsis, Tamás Konok, Ferenc Martyn, Oszkár Papp, Tamás Szikora.