Title var Vajdahunyadvár Artist Boldizsár István Creation year 1920-as évek Technique oil canvas Size 81 × 89 cm Sign signed bottom left, Boldizsár Genre painting ID 000125 Exhibitions My favorites KOGART House Budapest Masterworks – A New Selection From the Gábor Kovács Collection KOGART House Budapest The Gábor Kovács Collection – Selection from the Masterpieces of Hungarian Painting (Szeged) REÖK Szeged From Csontváry to Kondor – Modernist paintings in the Gábor Kovács Art Collection Municipal Art Museum Győr Masterworks - selection from the Gábor Kovács Collection (Orosháza) Municipal Gallery Orosháza Published A Kovács Gábor-gyűjtemény / The Kovács Gábor Collection. Ed.: Fertőszögi Péter – Kratochwill Mimi. Vince Kiadó, Budapest, 2004. (pp. 263.)
The Gábor Kovács Collection – Selection from the Masterpieces of Hungarian Painting (Szeged) REÖK Szeged
From Csontváry to Kondor – Modernist paintings in the Gábor Kovács Art Collection Municipal Art Museum Győr