Artist Kmetty János Creation year 1910-es évek eleje Technique oil cardboard Size 30 × 40 cm Sign signed bottom right, Kmetty Genre painting ID 000172 Exhibitions János Kmetty (1889–1975) – The Hungarian Cubist Ottó Herman Museum Miskolc From Csontváry to Kondor – Modernist paintings in the Gábor Kovács Art Collection Municipal Art Museum Győr The Kovács Gábor Art Collection from Munkácsy to Tóth Menyhért Tornyai János Museum and Community Center Hódmezővásárhely Published Auction Catalogue. Kieselbach Gallery, Budapest, 15th December, 2006. pp. 285. ill. 238. Kmetty János - a magyar kubista. Herman Ottó Museum, Miskolc, 2008. pp. 47.
From Csontváry to Kondor – Modernist paintings in the Gábor Kovács Art Collection Municipal Art Museum Győr
The Kovács Gábor Art Collection from Munkácsy to Tóth Menyhért Tornyai János Museum and Community Center Hódmezővásárhely