House of Arts, Szekszárd

In May 2007, the Gábor Kovács Art Foundation became the proud owner of almost forty graphics, oil paintings and Transylvanian glass icons, which formerly adorned the home of Miklós Mészöly and Alaine Polcz in Városmajor Street. With her bestowal, Alaine Polcz wanted to ensure that the collection remain as it is, complete under the guardianship of a museum. The Foundation now presents this collection of visual art, which was began in the 1950s, and which has great value for literary history as well.

Most of the pictures were gifts from such important artists as Endre Bálint, György Jovánovics, Lajos Sváby or Júlia Vajda. The collection not only represents a piece of art history, but also testifies to an intellectual workshop, and to the life-long friendships of artists. Though Miklós Mészöly thought that “life and painting differ hand in hand”, they seem nonetheless to overlap in the case of this collection; they shine through one another, like the visual fragments of memory in Endre Bálint’s art.