A “Hungarian” painter to the last, even throughout the decades he worked in his Montmartre studio, Tibor Csernus produced an oeuvre whose volume and quality guarantee that his works are the prized gems of public and private collections the world over. His work is divided into fairly distinct, and stylistically quite diverse, periods which nonetheless formed a sequence of organic development. In 1964 he emigrated to Paris, where he was to live and work until his death in 2007.
Tibor Csernus’s vast oeuvre spans a wide range of styles, from a fusion of post-Impressionism and French avant-garde, through Surnaturalism, hyperrealism, and neo-Baroque paraphrases of Caravaggio, to a liberated, freely flowing expressive painting. Never ceasing to experiment, Csernus engaged in a passionate search for new possibilities in the craft of painting, and kept looking for original ways to reinterpret the tradition.
The Kovács Gábor Art Foundation considers it a mission of prime importance to make this internationally recognized oeuvre known to a public as wide as possible.