Castle Garden Bazaar - Guards' Palace (Northern Palace)

In cooperation with the Debrecen Reformed Theological University, the Kovács Gábor Art Foundation celebrates the 500th anniversary of the Reformation with an extensive series of exhibitions. The last display opens in Budapest on 15 October, with a theme and spirit that encapsulate and crown the first three exhibitions, which were held in Debrecen, Győr, and Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca).

The Budapest exhibition seeks to commemorate the event whose significance for cultural history was also immense with an art-historically unconventional selection of artworks that explore the world of the Bible, faith, and the ultimate questions of human life. The exhibited artists include representatives of the Roman School (e.g. Vilmos Aba-Novák, Béla Kontuly, Pál Molnár C.), Lajos Szalay, Béla Kondor, Miklós Borsos, Menyhért Tóth, Tibor Csernus, Zsuzsa Péreli, as well as further contemporary artists from the past few decades.