The Pauline-Carmelite Monastery of Sopronbánfalva

Zsuzsa Péreli, who breathed a new life into Hungarian tapestry, set out on her career in the middle of the 1970s. Her oeuvre bears testimony to the endless possibilities that tapestry offers for the creative mind; in the hands of the artist, even the most commonplace object gains a complex sense, becomes a medium of emotion, and invites the viewer to contemplate.

She herself weaves the works, which are informed by a relaxed painterliness: a painter who exchanged the brush for coloured threads, she introduced new materials and techniques to the art of tapestry in her explorations of the different layers of time and memory. She includes objets trouvés in the compositions, a practice as traditionalist as it is revolutionary. She also makes aquarelles and collages. The metaphysical and sacral subjects that run through the oeuvre mediate between two worlds, translating and making perceptible what can only be intuited of non-material reality.