
The first annual selection of artworks purchased by the Kovács Gábor Art Foundation as part of the  programme started in 2007 to establish the Collection were presented to the public in December 2008, and now the additions of  2009 will be on display. The acquisitions of the second year include 132 works by 91 artists, mostly paintings and graphics, but also a considerable number of sculptures and installations.

The enlargement of the Collection was made possible by donations from 80 Hungarian businesses, who gave one million forint each, and by the 40-million forint support of the Hungarian state. As prescribed in the Statutes of the KOGART Contemporary Art Collection, twenty of the artworks now exhibited will be put up for a charitable auction on March 18. The proceeds will be donated to those twenty organizations that were selected by the Charity Committee from among applicants to the competition that was announced in November 2009.

For more information on the programme please visit www.kogartkortars.hu