
Volksbank Hungary Inc. has been present on the Hungarian bank market for 15 years, and is now one of the strong mid-sized banks. In October 2003, the company decided to enhance its role as a Maecenas of the arts, with a special emphasis on the transmission of values. In the past five years, the bank has hosted, in its own exhibition spaces, two hundred exhibitions, from Nyíregyháza to Kaposvár, from Mosonmagyaróvár to Szeged. The artists featured include emblematic Hungarian classics like Vilmos Aba-Novák, József Egry, György János Simon, Ernő Jeges, Pál Molnár-C., as well as significant contemporaries.

Value, art, patronage, which opens this October, offers a selection from this five-year programme series. KOGART House presents a special set of the works that have been on display in Volksbank Gallery. It is through the works of a hundred artists that visitors may gain an insight into the variety of Hungarian art, its past, present and future. Beside the classic forerunners – József Egry, Vilmos Aba-Novák, Ernő Jeges, Pál Molnár-C., Imre Vágh-Weimann –, the display also provides an overview of the efforts and achievements of contemporary Hungarian artists, artist communities and colonies. The traditions of Szentendre, Gödöllő and Mohács appear in the company of contemporary experiments in the latest genres. In addition to paintings and special rarities in graphics and sculpture, video works and installations are also there to illustrate the many directions pursued by contemporary art.